"Ich bin ein Mensch" - video | 2025
shown and exhibited at Kunsthalle Rostock (D)
as part of the 35. Landesweite Kunstschau of BBK Mecklenburg-Vorpommern



exhibition views: video on screen, with music on head phones, total length 2Min12, loop

the work is a mix of dance videos collected on social media, music and text.
the different levels invite us to philosophise about what it might mean to be human and to remain human
in these aggressive, violent, inhuman times and to focuse on connecting human sources.

here is a short documentary of the exhibition setting, video and music excerpt:

webseitenbetreiberin: stefanie rübensaal

copyright © stefanie rübensaal. alle inhalte auf dieser
seite sind urheberrechtlich geschützt.